Hair loss happens to every person, but how much hair do you lose in a day decides if it’s normal or not. It won’t come as a surprise if you’re among the people who lose a huge amount of hair every day and are noticing bald patches on your scalp. There can be many reasons that influence hair loss. Age, gender, workload, stress, sleep cycle, however, one thing that greatly affects hair loss is “Life Style”. Lifestyle constitutes of your diet and overall way of living. In this article, we’ll highlight some important nutrients, diet and exercises that will help hair loss.
Scalp Massage Exercise:
Scalp massage is a great exercise for hair growth and can be fun and relaxing too. Scalp massage helps in increasing the blood circulation in the scalp, which makes other nutrients available to the hair follicles. This improves the overall hair productivity. Oiling also helps hair growth.
Balayam Yoga:
Balayam Yoga makes use of our “acupressure”points to Increase Hair Growth. Acupressure points are the points in our body which, when properly treated, can result in hair growth. In Balayam Yoga, the acupressure points are under our fingernails, in the tips of the fingers. Massage these points (rub the fingernails of your hands against each other). This would help in stimulating the hormones that result in hair growth and hair darkening. The result is that you get rid of hair loss and premature graying of hair. Furthermore, when done regularly Balayam yoga also cures dandruff.
Standing Forward Fold Pose:
This is a popular yoga pose that helps in releasing stress and anxiety, the two deadly causes for hair loss. This pose tightens the shoulders and allows the arms to stretch, thus making the body relax. The head hangs down in this pose which allows proper blood circulation in the scalp which leads to proper hair growth. The overall pose is very beneficial for releasing stress and tension from the body and for increasing hair growth.
Essential Fatty Acids:
Fatty acids, especially omega 3 fatty acids, play a very important role in improving your hair, skin and nails. Consuming these acids will improve your hair remarkably. You should consume foods that are rich in omega 3 like:
- Flaxseed oil
- Walnuts
- Almonds
- Tuna, Salmon, Mackerel and other fatty fish that you can find
Protein is another important nutrient that must be consumed regularly for strong, long and healthy hair. Chicken, eggs, fish are some of the most common food items through which you can consume your Protein intake.
A Quick Note:
There can be multiple nutrients missing from your diet like magnesium, biotin, zinc, etc. These nutrients are not only important for your hair, but also affect your skin and nails. Therefore, it’s a good practice to consume multivitamins. Sometimes certain medical conditions also contribute towards hair loss. Anemia, thyroid and other autoimmune diseases are some of those diseases. In cases like these, it’s important to cure the disease in order to get rid of hair fall.
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