Women enjoy having thick, full hair regardless of the length they pick for their hairstyles. Similar to men, however, women can suffer from hair thinning and loss, As a result, some ladies look into Hair Transplants.
What is a hair transplant?
A hair transplant, also known as follicular unit transplantation or FUT, is medical procedure in which a physician surgically moves some hair follicles to another area for growth. Doctors take the needed follicles from elsewhere on the patient’s body. They then graft the follicles in the area where the patient wants hair to grow. Normally, doctors move only one to four hair follicles in a graft, so patients who get hair transplants usually need multiple grafts to get the result they want. Physicians arrange the graft in a random pattern so the hair looks natural.
Are transplants for women different than transplants for women?
Transplants for women are somewhat new, but they are no different than those from men. Doctors do pay attention to how female physiology can influence hair growth and healing of the graft, however. Transplants for women are not as common or popular simply because hair loss in men tends to be more prevalent and more severe.
The procedure is not ideal to every woman. There are some women whose balding problem can’t be solved by the procedure. In this case, it’s the doctor’s responsibility to decide who undergoes the procedure and who doesn't. in most cases, women who can undergo the procedure include:
Those experiencing diffuse balding. Diffuse balding is the type of baling that is not limited to the top of the scalp. In this case, balding can be on top, on the sides and at the back of the head. When you have diffuse baldness, hair can be harvested in areas where there is plenty of hair growth and the hair is transplanted to the balding areas.
Similar to men, women can lose their hair due to injuries or genetic issues. Although ladies can opt to disguise the problem with scarves, hats and Wigs, many women want the convenience and natural appearance of real hair. This is where hair transplants for women come into play. Transplants move follicles to where a women needs them, greatly improving hair thickness or the level of the hair line.